Welcome to KIT Refugee Aid

The KIT Refugee Aid is part of the Flüchtlingshilfe Karlsruhe e. V.

For current information and activities, please visit: fluechtlingshilfe-karlsruhe.de/

If you have any questions concerning studies / training of refugees at KIT, the Integration Officer is the right contact person (Info: www.kit.edu/kit/fluechtlinge).

Via the mailing list fluechtlingshilfe-helfer∂lists.kit.edu we inform about actions and acute needs. If you are interested, please subscribe to our mailing list: www.lists.kit.edu/sympa/info/fluechtlingshilfe-helfer → option "Subscribe".

If everyone does a little, everyone does a lot!


Where do we come from?

To the history of KIT Refugee Aid